Dream It

Dream It

Grassroots Family Chiropractic is based on the dream that every single person should have holistic options and chiropractic care available to them. In a world where “healthcare” is reactive to sickness we wanted to build a community of vibrant, happy, healthy people who lift each other up; all while making it affordable and time efficient.

Build It

Build It

Building Grassroots was just that - a grassroots mission: sharing our message organically; from person to person! It continues today that our members are the best around. We love that the bones of Grassroots is built on true person to person experiences and referrals, making authentic community relationships and doing it together.

We truly believe “if you want to go fast, go alone; if you want to go far, go together.”

We love our Battle Creek and Marshall Grassroots family!

Grow It

Grow It

Growing Grassroots as a company continues to be an organic flow of what our team and our members need. We hope to be the type of people that don’t just speak about what the world needs but take action to create it.

We truly believe each day is an opportunity to give all, love all and serve all. Each day we get to meet new people - to do just that with! There is, and will always be, room at our table. If it gets a little tight we will just build a bigger table!

Follow our journey.